Reef Watch Turns 20!

This week our multi-award winning citizen science program celebrates its 20 years of marine conservation work!

Reef Watch is the longest running program of its kind in the country and the second longest running marine citizen science program in Australia. The program started when enthusiastic scuba divers, marine scientists and environmental NGOs came together to monitor temperate reefs.


Since its inception, Reef Watch has trained thousands of volunteers scuba divers to undertake surveys of SA’s beautiful temperate reefs.

Over the past 20 years, Reef Watch has actively engaged almost 12,000 people and worked with dive clubs, government agencies and marine conservation groups.

Click here to find out what Reef Watch is up to now and to check out all the ways you can be involved in this amazing program.

Support us and get involved

Contact Conservation SA on (08) 8223 5155, [email protected], or at our offices at the Joinery at 111 Franklin Street, Adelaide.

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