Revitalising Private Conservation SA

Revitalising Private Conservation in South Australia program

Funded by the Government of South Australia, this multi-million dollar program provides existing and aspiring Heritage Agreement owners with:

  • Access to technical and practical advice
  • Connections with other Heritage Agreement land managers and resources
  • Opportunities to apply for grant funding to plan and undertake important nature conservation works on their properties

Led by Nature Foundation as the principal delivery partner working closely with the Department for Environment and Water, the program brings together an outstanding partnership of South Australia’s leading environmental and agricultural producer organisations, including Conservation SA, Livestock SA, Trees for Life and Nature Conservation Society of South Australia.  


The grants will be delivered through the following grant rounds:

  • Small Grants - up to $10,000, for better managing Heritage Agreement areas.
  • Linking Landscapes Grant - between $10,000 and $250,000, aimed at achieving landscape-scale conservation outcomes across multiple properties.​

Thank you for all the fantastic submissions. The grant rounds are currently closed.

Revitalising Private Conservation in South Australia, Small Grant 2021/22 –  You can see the full list of 46 successful recipients for the 2021/22 Round 3 Revitalising Private Conservation in South Australia Grants. All funded works will be carried out on Heritage Agreement sites, across South Australia.

Linking Landscapes Grant round – you can see the full list of nine successful recipients for the Round 2 Linking Landscapes Revitalising Private Conservation in SA Grants. These nine grants total $1 million but will have a real impact of $4.2 million including additional cash or in-kind value. They will have a significant impact on private conservation in South Australia through their innovative, landscape-scale, collaborative and multi-property conservation focus.   

Successful recipients for 2020/21 Revitalising Private Conservation in South Australia Small Grant, Round 1 – you can see the full list of 70 successful recipients for the 2020/21 Round 1 Revitalising Private Conservation in South Australia Grants. All funded works will be carried out on Heritage Agreement sites, across South Australia.


Our Outreach Officers can help you with your enquiries, whether it’s regarding protecting bush areas or managing Heritage Agreement sites.  We are always happy to talk over the phone and we are able to come and meet you at your Heritage Agreement area if that suits you.  We can also help you connect with other Heritage Agreement owners and relevant land management organisations.


Any questions?  Please contact the Revitalising Private Conservation in SA team:

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 0436 431 660

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Contact Conservation SA on (08) 8223 5155, [email protected], or at our offices at the Joinery at 111 Franklin Street, Adelaide.

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