Backing a winner: Report reveals 100% renewable electricity possible for SA South

16 JUNE 2015

Backing a winner: Report reveals 100% renewable electricity possible for SA


South Australia could be powered by 100% renewable energy in just 15 years a report released today by the Conservation Council of SA has found.

The report, 100% Renewable Electricity for South Australia, was prepared by leading renewable energy expert Associate Professor Mark Diesendorf and his team from UNSW, and includes extensive modelling of scenarios using real time weather data.

“South Australia has a very real opportunity to become the first Australian state to reach 100% renewable energy,” said Dr Diesendorf.

“Our research team has taken years of real time data and matched it with detailed weather results and run hourly simulations to see if 100% renewable energy is possible. It’s not only possible, but could be done effectively and reliably within 15 years,” he said.

With the imminent closure of the Alinta Energy brown coal generators in Port Augusta, this timely report presents an alternative plan for South Australia’s electricity future.

The UNSW report de-bunks the myth that we need more base load energy from coal or nuclear to supply the state and affirms that renewable energy is a safe, reliable and affordable option.

Already, around 40% of our power comes from wind and solar, and over a quarter of our houses have rooftop solar.

“South Australia is already a world leader in renewable energy. However, we have huge potential to go even further,” said Conservation SA Chief Executive Craig Wilkins.

“The exciting thing is we don’t need to wait for the Federal Government to act. If we are smart, our state is uniquely poised to attract sorely needed job-rich investment into this important industry,” he said.

Dr Diesendorf will be available for media comment today at 11.30am at the Hilton Hotel as part of a media briefing for the National Workshop on Nuclear Energy for Australia and will be presenting the findings of his latest report at an evening event; ‘In Conversation with Mark Diesendorf’ tonight (Tuesday June 16) at 7pm at The Joinery, 111 Franklin Street, Adelaide. 


Release Ends

Media Contact:  

Dr Mark Diesendorf: 0402 940 892 

Mr Craig Wilkins: 0417 879 439 

100% Renewable Electricity for South Australia Full Report and Summary Report.

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Contact Conservation SA on (08) 8223 5155, [email protected], or at our offices at the Joinery at 111 Franklin Street, Adelaide.

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