Past Campaigns

Protect the South East with a ban on all gasfield exploration and development

South Australia is facing the threat of industrial gasfields across our state, and it's vital we act now.


Despite the gas industry being a minimal contributor to SA’s jobs or economy, the State Government has been pushing hard to open up gas resources, even paying companies to explore for gas in some of our most beautiful and productive landscapes. The South East is now covered by exploration licences.


It's only a matter of time until all this exploration for gas moves to the next stage — unless we put a stop to it.


In SA we've got far better options. We are already getting half of our energy from renewables, and this will increase rapidly with planned new large scale batteries and one of the world's biggest solar thermal power plants that will store energy for hours after the sun has set.


We don't need a new gas industry that will risk our state’s foodbowl, our water supplies, our spectacular landscapes and even our own health.


Help us put a stop to it now — before it's got a foothold.

Who's signing

219 signatures

Sign this petition

Dear Jay Weatherill, Stephen Marshall, Mark Parnell and Nick Xenophon,

The South East of South Australia is known for its clean air and water, productive farmlands, and famous wines and food.

It's a tourism industry hotspot and our family holiday playground.

South Australians don't want the South East put at risk from gas extraction.

We are calling for action to protect our Limestone Coast.

We don't need gas for power. South Australia is well positioned to leap-frog gas and go for gold with 100% renewable energy for our state.

Please support a gasfield-free South East.

Support us and get involved

Contact Conservation SA on (08) 8223 5155, [email protected], or at our offices at the Joinery at 111 Franklin Street, Adelaide.

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