The state’s peak environment body has welcomed the Federal Government’s decision to reinstate the right for judicial review in their Bill to progress a nuclear waste dump in South Australia.
22 June 2021
Nuclear dump story has a long way to run
The state’s peak environment body has welcomed the Federal Government’s decision to reinstate the right for judicial review in their Bill to progress a nuclear waste dump in South Australia.
However, the passing of the Bill in Federal Parliament is just one small step in a very long journey, with many years of approvals and other steps to come.
“We welcome the return of judicial review back into the process and the opportunity for local Traditional Owners to have legal recourse,” said Conservation SA Chief Executive Craig Wilkins.
“It was disappointing the Federal Government thought that taking away fundamental legal rights was appropriate.
“This story is far from finished, though.
“The proposal remains illegal under SA law, and a large part of the Kimba community still vehemently opposes the dump.
“And others in our state, including all the communities along transport routes, have not been given a say either.
“There is furious agreement that ultimately a permanent facility needs to be found for reactor waste from Lucas Heights. But why is the government hoping to shift this toxic waste to temporarily park it in above ground sheds at Kimba while the site for the permanent underground disposal is yet to be found. Surely it makes far more sense to sort the final resting place out first and then move the waste once?
“The good news is there is space and time to keep the waste at Lucas Heights while a permanent solution is found.
“In fact, the Federal Government invested $60m in further capacity in the last federal budget to enable that to occur.
“That still remains the safest, cheapest and most responsible option.
“In the meantime, the township of Kimba has been torn apart, and the local Barngarla people excluded, by a ham-fisted consultation process.
“The passage of the Bill will only make things harder for a community that desperately wants to move on,” he said.
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Media Contact: Craig Wilkins, 0417 879 439