SA Libs playing politics over renewables

13 February 2017

SA Libs playing politics over renewables

The state’s peak environment body is disappointed by the announcement today that the SA Liberals would scrap SA's 50% renewable energy target if elected next year.

“Scrapping the 50% aspirational state renewable energy target is misguided gesture politics,” said Craig Wilkins, Chief Executive of Conservation SA.

“In 2017, South Australia’s increasing share of renewable energy is happening because individual households and businesses are making smart investment choices, not because the state has a 50% target.

“And no matter how much hot wind is puffed by those who oppose renewable energy, that investment in clean energy options in SA will only increase.

“The sooner all sides of politics realise this and drop the bluster, the sooner we can get on with creating a clear, affordable and practical energy transition plan for our state,” he said.

“Time and time again, energy experts have pointed out that the price spikes and blackouts experienced in SA in recent months have been caused by generators gaming the system for financial gain, and an electricity market operator that has inadequately prepared for extreme weather events.

“We have been let down by a poorly functioning energy market and a Federal Government that is trying to resist the inevitable switch to cleaner energy options.

"South Australians want a stable and affordable power supply. We also need to continue transitioning to cleaner energy sources. Fortunately, these goals align. Just in December, the CSIRO released a roadmap showing that the cheapest pathway for stable electricity in the future will come from renewables, not fossil fuels,” said Mr Wilkins.

“The good news is: a range of options, including demand management, pumped hydro, solar thermal and batteries is available to increase the security of our power supply.

“In particular, a commitment from the SA Liberal party to build a solar thermal plant with storage at Port Augusta will do far more for SA’s energy security than today’s announcement,” he said.

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Media Contact: Craig Wilkins 0417 879 439

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