Join the South Australia Branch of the Australian Homoeopathic Association (AHA) on 12th April to celebrate World Homoeopathy Awareness Week! We're hosting a free public live streaming of the film ‘Just One Drop – the Story Behind the Homeopathy Controversy’. The film has been produced and directed by Laurel Chiten. The live streaming of the film will be followed by a real time Q&A session with panellists, including Laurel Chiten (filmmaker USA), Rachel Roberts (CEO Homeopathy Research Institute UK), Gerry Dendrinos (President of AHA and homoeopath) and Dr Teresa Nicoletti (Lawyer).
Date: 12th April 2018
Time: 5:30pm for 6:20pm. Film duration: 1 hour 7 minutes, followed by Q&A.
Homoeopathic suppliers and natural therapy providers will have stalls and information stands.
Refreshments and snacks will be on sale.
A gold coin donation towards the hire of the venue and hosting the event would be appreciated.
If you’re curious about homoeopathy and want to know more, come along. All welcome!
If you need additional information e-mail: [email protected]
The Joinery 111 Franklin Street Adelaide
Adelaide, SA 5000
Google map and directions