Free event, register here:
What does the rise of co-operatively owned digital platforms mean for entrepreneurs?
Only a small percentage of startups will succeed. What happens to the majority that fail?
What if many of those were great ideas that would have flourished with a different business model? What other possibilities are there to make a living doing the work you choose?
Platform co-operativism challenges the ‘winner takes all’ culture exemplified by Silicon Valley.
Come and talk with Trebor Scholz, a founder of the platform co-operativism movement, and learn about the benefits of this model, how it is being taken up around the world, and how you can start your own platform co-op.
May 22, 2017 at 10:00am - 11:30am
Flinders University at Tonsley
Level 5 Conference Room Flinders University Building Tonsley Clovelly Park
Clovelly Park, SA 5042
Google map and directions
Level 5 Conference Room Flinders University Building Tonsley Clovelly Park
Clovelly Park, SA 5042
Google map and directions
Green Industries SA