Conservation SA is leading a coalition of environment and climate groups in a powerful campaign to track candidates' policies ahead of the State Election on 19 March.
South Australia has a proud history as a visionary, inclusive and innovative state.
We’ve led the way on smart environmental policy, from container deposit legislation to the creation of marine parks.
Yet we face serious environmental challenges. Our actions and priorities are not reflecting the urgency and scale of these threats to our people, places and wildlife. That’s why we need adequate funding and policies that properly care for this state that we call home.
The 2022 South Australian State Election comes at a critical moment, both for nature protection and making the transition to clean energy. That’s why we have come together to outline the 71 policy benchmarks all parties need to commit to.
In the lead up to the 19 March 2022 state poll, we will release a scorecard which will rank the parties against these benchmarks, so South Australians can make informed choices about what the parties promise to do, if elected, when it comes to stopping climate pollution, ramping up clean energy, and ensuring our communities and natural environment can thrive.
Learn more at South Australia: Our Future and register for our webinar series with candidates here.