Celebrations as one year marine sanctuaries milestone reached

1October 2015

Celebrations as one year marine sanctuaries milestone reached

Today marks the one year anniversary of South Australia’s marine sanctuaries network.

“This is a very exciting milestone,” said the Chief Executive of Conservation SA, Craig Wilkins. 

“Twelve months on, South Australians have every right to be proud of our marine parks network.

“It’s only right we protect these very special parts of our state, where dolphins, sea lions, fish and sea birds can rear their young in safety.

“Marine parks remain incredibly popular, and with good reason.  They offer extra protection for a small number of very special places that improve the health of our oceans and beaches,” he said.

There are reports the Liberal Opposition intends to re-introduce a Bill into State Parliament that was defeated last year which aims to scrap 12 of the most important marine sanctuary zones, including some of the most vital fish and mammal nurseries.

“After a decade of community debate over marine protection in SA, the vast majority of South Australians, including most recreational fishers, are comfortable with the compromise position that was reached,” Mr Wilkins said.

“It’s incredibly frustrating that the Liberal party continues to play political games with such an important environmental and regional development issue,” he said. 

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Media Contact:  Craig Wilkins 0417 879 439

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