Nadia Clancy
Electorate: Boothby
Party: Labor
1. Do you support oil exploration in the Great Australian Bight?
Given the sensitivity of community concerns, Labor will give the independent regulator additional capacity to allow an oil spill study to be undertaken as a part of its assessment of any exploration activity in the Great Australian Bight. Labor believes any resource exploration in the Great Australian Bight must meet all stringent environment approvals in place.
2. Do you accept that, regardless of the actions of the other nations, Australia should reduce its greenhouse gas emissions to net zero as soon as possible, including those from fossil fuel exports?
The Labor Party is the only major party committed to real action on climate change. Labor accepts the science of climate change and endorses the Paris Agreement to keep global warming well below two degrees Celsius as well as a more qualified commitment around a 1.5 degree threshold. Labor knows it is the responsibility of Federal Government to implement credible policies to avoid the worst impacts from climate change, including policies to keep global warming to below two degrees Celsius; policies to protect our economy; and policies to adapt to the inevitable impacts of climate change. Consistent with our obligations under Paris of keeping global warming to well-below two degrees above pre-industrial levels, and informed by independent Climate Change Authority advice, Labor is committed to reducing Australia’s pollution by 45 per cent on 2005 levels by 2030, and to reach net zero pollution by 2050.
3. Do you support a ban on all new fossil fuel exploration in South Australia?
Labor does not support a ban on fossil fuel exploration in South Australia.
4. If you are elected to be the next representative for the people of Boothby, what actions will you take to ensure the Australian Government and Parliament deliver real and meaningful action over the next 5-10 years to reduce Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions across the energy, agriculture and transport sectors?
A Shorten Labor Government will take real action on climate change by:
- Making Australia a Renewable Energy Superpower by ensuring that 50 per cent of the nation’s electricity is sourced from renewable energy by 2030; and empowering households and businesses to take advantage of cheap, clean renewable energy and storage.
- Supporting the Transition to Cleaner and Cheaper Power by implementing Labor’s National Energy Plan and ensuring an orderly transition for industries, communities and workers.
- Boosting Clean Transport and Infrastructure through Australia’s first National Electric Vehicle Policy and implementing vehicle emission standards.
- Building Jobs and Industry by partnering with industry to help businesses find innovative solutions to bring down pollution; support trade exposed industries; and build the new jobs and industries of the future.
- Kickstarting Australia’s Hydrogen Economy with a $1 billion plan to create new jobs; support new businesses; and supercharge Australia’s renewable energy industry.
- Cutting Pollution by extending the Safeguard Mechanism to bring down pollution from Australia’s biggest polluters, in line with our international obligations, while supporting jobs and competitiveness.
- Reducing pollution on the land by reinvigorating the Carbon Farming Initiative to supply carbon offsets and reduce pollution on the land and taking action to deal with broad-scale land clearing.
- Increasing Energy Efficiency by implementing a comprehensive Energy Productivity and Efficiency Review and through measures like our Manufacturing Energy Efficiency Accelerator program; harmonising state energy efficiency schemes; and allowing ARENA to invest in energy efficiency projects.
- Reviving International Engagement on Climate Change by reinstating an Australian Climate Ambassador; reengaging constructively in the UNFCCC process; and supporting our Pacific neighbours.
- Restoring Australia’s Climate Change Institutions by restoring and reforming the Climate Change Authority and implementing triennial Climate Change Assessments.
5. What will you do to deliver a solar thermal with storage plant in Port Augusta?
Labor believes solar thermal is a potentially important part of Australia’s renewable energy mix. Labor is investing a further $10 billion into the Clean Energy Finance Corporation which will potentially be able to finance projects such as this – should we form Government after 18 May, we will welcome discussions regarding the Port Augusta project.