Our environment needs us right now. Will you give to ensure our politicians get the message loud and clear?
This month we had a reality check about how South Australia’s environment is tracking through the 2018 State of the Environment Report.
Two areas stand out for all the wrong reasons: climate change and biodiversity loss. For each of these the evidence is stark: we are travelling poorly.
Politicians consistently say they rarely hear from people in the community about nature or climate change. We need to respond to this report in a way that makes them sit up and take notice.
Your gift will help us:
- Mobilise our member groups
- Create clever shareables to convert a dense report into easy to digest pieces
- Coordinate a sophisticated lobbying campaign
- Keep up the pressure until the next state budget
- Ensure the media give it decent coverage
South Australia has a wonderful opportunity to be a world leader in smart responses to climate change, and to stand up to protect our incredible natural wonders.
The worst thing that can happen is that the State of the Environment report gets buried.
Give today for your voice to be heard tomorrow.