Creating Positive Change Fellowship launched

Conservation SA is proud to launch a new skills and development fellowship program to help South Australians Create Positive Change.

If you are passionate about climate action and nature protection and want to develop practical skills and confidence to make a difference, we would love to hear from you!

This intense 7-week program will involve weekly in-person training sessions led by experienced professionals and guest speakers. 

Topics will include:

  • Powerful storytelling
  • Using the media and social media
  • Campaigning to win
  • Community organising and collaborating together
  • Federal and State Politics 101
  • First Nations
  • Diversity & privilege
  • Alternative strategies to create change
  • Self-care as a change agent

Additional support and activities will be offered throughout the fellowship, including opportunities for informal mentoring and personal reflection.

On the last night of the program, groups, organisations and active campaigns will be invited along to ‘pitch’ their change work to you and other fellows, with the aim of enticing you to join them in their work. You will be expected to actively participate in one or more campaign activities at the end of your training. 

What's in it for you?

  • More than 17 hours of training in campaigning, community organising, media, storytelling and more
  • Tools, knowledge and confidence to take action on climate change and protecting our beautiful planet
  • The chance to grow your personal and professional networks
  • Learning how to look after yourself while making a difference to the world

Commitment and key dates

The training will take place at the Joinery (111 Franklin Street, City) on Tuesday nights, 6-8.30pm, from the 18th October to the 29th November 2022.

Successful applicants will be expected to:

  • Attend all 7 Tuesday night sessions
  • Participate in group and accompanying activities, including personal reflection
  • Commit to actively contribute to one or more change-making activities at the end of the Fellowship 

Key selection criteria

  • Resident of SA
  • Open to learning in a group setting and building relationships
  • Committed to the activities and aims of the Fellowship
  • Committed to attend all 7 sessions
  • Passionate about taking action for climate and nature protection
  • Willing to use your new skills to benefit others after the Fellowship ends

If more people apply than we have capacity for, we will prioritise:

  • Young people or those newly active to climate and nature work
  • To enhance inclusion and diversity

Cost and scholarships

This fellowship is offered at a nominal cost of $80 for waged and $60 for unwaged/concession

We recognise that not everyone may be able to afford this cost, so we can offer partial or full scholarships to people experiencing financial barriers to participating – whether situational or structural. 

The training sessions will be catered (light meal eg cold rolls or similar, plus tea and coffee).

Program Leaders

Craig Wilkins

Craig has worked in the areas of public health, social services, environmental change and politics for the last 30 years in for-purpose organisations, in the public service and in Parliament House. For the last 8 years he has been the Chief Executive of the state's peak environment body, the Conservation Council of SA. He straddles the insider/outsider divide as an appointed member of the Premier’s Climate Change Council, Kadaltilla (Adelaide Parklands Authority) and many working groups and committees, while also leading and assisting community campaigns and movements for change.

Rhys Abbott

Rhys is the Nature Campaigner for Nature Conservation Society of South Australia and Founder of Earthly Education (a leading environmental page worldwide on Instagram).  He has designed and executed several South Australian, and Australian, campaigns - mobilising thousands to engage in political activism, organising networks and alliances, building strategy, and fundraising.  Rhys has particular expertise in digital media literacy and has built several highly successful social media pages (15 million+ views for 2022 federal election) and delivered a consistent 2 million+ weekly reach on Earthly Education since 2020.

David Bacon

Dave has a professional background of nearly 2 decades in international development and NGO sector in project management, organisational development, governance, fundraising, building volunteer organisations and community organising for climate & environment.  He is the Vice President of Conservation SA, Co-founder of Climate Space, Founder of Carpets for Communities and Empowering Communities, and a school strike dad with multiple international awards for changemaking.


To apply, fill out this short Expression of Interest form so we can find out a little more about you.

You will need to register your interest by Friday 30 September.

If you would like to find out more, reach out to David at [email protected] or phone Conservation SA on 8223 5155.

Support us and get involved

Contact Conservation SA on (08) 8223 5155, [email protected], or at our offices at the Joinery at 111 Franklin Street, Adelaide.

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