Conservation SA's Natural Resource Management Facilitator, Jill Woodlands, recently made it to the finalists for this year's National Landcare Awards. To find out more about our hard-working and inspirational staff member, we asked her a few quick questions.
Photo credit: Matthew Turner
What is your greatest achievement?
Having a healthy, happy teenager who is at his best when out in nature.
What makes you want to work in the environment sector?
The sector is rich with inspirational people who are working at various scales and endeavours because they love nature.
Why did you want to work in the environment sector?
I came from working in horticulture via nursing and wanted to learn more about the broader environment and did an Environment Studies degree at The University of Adelaide. I was hooked! I have been at Conservation SA nearly 9 years.
What do you love most about nature?
The sense of wonder that nature brings. The visual delights, the smells, the crackling underfoot, the birdlife, lizards, such a rich tapestry.
What is your favourite plant or animal and why?
This is difficult but I think it is the massive ancient iconic river red gums – Eucalyptus camaldulensis. They stand sentinel and help me imagine what the environment was like hundreds of years ago. And they are a marker for us going into the future. A connector of past, present and future.
What is your area of expertise?
Persistence in ensuring a range of conservation views are heard across the environment sector/government, sharing environmental information & perspectives and and bringing people together across the conservation space.
Who or what inspires you to keep fighting for the environment?
This one is easy – David Attenborough.
What is your favourite quote?
"Keep close to Nature's heart... and break clear away, once in awhile, and climb a mountain or spend a week in the woods. Wash your spirit clean" - John Muir.