Since the launch of the Green Hubs Energy Efficiency Program at the beginning of 2013 Conservation Council SA has provided energy efficiency information to 300+ community organisations around South Australia. Here are a few of the organisations we are currently helping to reduce their energy costs and carbon footprint.
• Common Ground – Franklin St & Light Square
• Uniting Communities - Pitt St Centre
• UnitingCare Wesley Country SA, Goods at Gertrude – Pt Pirie
• SA Council of Social Service
• Hectorville Sports and Community Club
• Cove Sports and Community Club
• Brighton Surf Life Saving Club
From Green Hubs to the Green Hubs Energy Efficiency Program
Piloted in 2008/09 and launched in early 2010 the original Green Hubs program assisted 15+ community organisations to reduce their ecological footprint and operating costs. Our hubs were provided with a free professional sustainability audit encompassing water, energy and waste, and ongoing assistance to achieve the changes recommended in the audit. We also facilitated sustainability workshops for the hub communities and provided information materials for them. This version of the program ran until mid 2012 and was then replaced by the Green Hubs Energy Efficiency Program.
Some of the organisations we helped through the original Green Hubs include:
North Adelaide Community Centre
- Became a Green Hub in February 2012
- Has 35 active volunteers and over 22,000 visitors to the centre per year
- Has undertaken a Green Audit and achieved the following with financial support from Adelaide City Council:
- Installed rainwater tanks for community garden
- Replaced halogen downlights with LEDs in the meeting room, storage area, kitchen and toilets
- Installed insulation above the meeting room, storage area, kitchen and toilets
- Replaced old fridge, freezer and oven with energy efficient models
- Upgraded external lights to LEDs and CFLs
- Installed push button time control for air-conditioning
West Croydon Football Club
- Became a Green Hub in November 2011
- 500 members in football, soccer Tai Chi and exercise classes
- Has undertaken a Green Audit and made the following changes with financial support from Charles Sturt Council:
- Upgraded internal lights to LEDs
- Dual flush toilet cisterns and timed hand basin taps installed in interior bathrooms
- Energy efficient sensor lighting installed in bathrooms
- Bar fridge doors triple glazed
- Repairs to evaporative cooling system and fridge compressor to make more energy efficient
- Are currently exploring options to create a community garden behind the club to keep at risk children occupied during the off season
Henley Football Club
- Became a Green Hub in February 2010
- Has 1000 members, hosts cricket, junior athletics and a local arts centre
- Has undertaken a Green Audit and made the following changes with assistance from Conservation Council SAs Sustainability and Community Grants Program:
- Installed a 7.5kW PV solar system
- Installed insulation in clubrooms and change rooms
- Installed energy efficient gas heaters
- Hosted education workshops on energy efficiency, water conservation and community gardens
- Working with local environment group Transition Adelaide West on community garden and rainwater harvesting initiatives
- Volunteer Mark King has made his workplace, Flinders University, the first zero waste to landfill university in Australia; an action that he attributes to his involvement in Green Hubs