
Murray-Darling Basin 101

The Murray-Darling Basin Plan was meant to save our rivers by stopping too much water being taken away. But right from the start, powerful corporate irrigators lobbied to sabotage the plan to keep more water for themselves – and our governments buckled under the pressure.I

It’s not too late to save the Murray-Darling. But we need national leadership – and communities right across the Basin who are ready to speak up.

Revive Our Rivers

Buying water from people who want to sell it is one of the BEST ways we can save the Murray-Darling.

With the next drought just around the corner, buying water could be a lifeline for rivers, wetlands, wildlife and communities downstream. It's the cheapest, most effective solution to get rivers the water they need. It's time for ALL governments to get on board.

Credit: Lifeblood Alliance and Inland Rivers Network

Explainer: A River Dies from the Mouth Up

In partnership with River Lakes and Coorong Action Group and Lifeblood Alliance, we've launched a new video that takes a deep dive into Australia’s greatest river system - the Murray-Darling Basin.

The 10-minute video explores the declining health of the system and the ongoing struggle to return it to health and features stories from the fishers, farmers and Traditional Owners who rely on a healthy river. The next few years will be critical for the survival of the river and it is hoped this video will help people better understand this complex basin system.

Dead in the Water

The Murray-Darling Basin is dying and despite its catastrophic plight, and the devastating findings of the South Australian Royal Commission, policy regarding the basin continues to be corrupted, neglected or ignored.

Richard Beasley draws on his experience as a Senior Counsel, to assist the Royal Commission in “Dead in the Water”, a book that is simultaneously hilarious, deadly serious – and very, very angry. Hosted by Kate McBride and proudly presented by the Conservation Council of SA on 3 March 2021.




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Contact Conservation SA on (08) 8223 5155, [email protected], or at our offices at the Joinery at 111 Franklin Street, Adelaide.

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