16 September 2015
SA sold down the river as Joyce seizes Murray
The state’s peak environment body is deeply concerned about reports that Barnaby Joyce will be given Ministerial responsibility over the Murray Darling Basin Plan.
“Barnaby Joyce will need to be a remarkable statesmen to resist the pressure from his upstream National Party colleagues to water down the Murray Darling Basin Plan,” said Conservation SA’s Chief Executive Craig Wilkins
“Mr Joyce’s track record is poor. Over many years he has consistently resisted attempts to restore the Murray’s health.
“The last thing South Australia needs is a new Federal Water Minister hell bent on taking more water out of the River,” he said.
In 2007, Prime Minister John Howard prised control of Murray Darling policy away from the National Party to give to Malcolm Turnbull as the new Water Minister.
“Malcolm Turnbull under Prime Minister Howard was one of the key architects of the Murray Darling Basin Plan. Handing control back to Barnaby Joyce now is a huge leap back to the past and significantly risks Prime Minister Turnbull’s legacy.
“Right now, the future of the Murray is hanging precariously in the balance.
“Critical negotiations are underway between the Federal Government and the Basin states to secure greater environmental flows.
“Without these, the future of the once mighty Murray looks dire,” he said.
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Media Contact: Craig Wilkins 0417 879 439