Earlier this year, four giant, centuries-old river red gums were cut down in Mt Barker, devastating local residents who had known the trees all their lives.
It sounds like a bad joke, but (bizarrely) it is better than the fate of thousands of other big trees which are butchered every year across our state.
This has to stop.
And right now, we have the best chance in a decade to change it.
We can’t do it alone; we need your help.
Earlier this month we held a big Who Speaks for the Trees? Forum at our home the Joinery, attended by 150+ passionate – and justifiably angry – South Australians deeply concerned about our trees.
Since then, we’ve been busy designing a campaign with other citizens who are just as sick and tired of the destruction. Here’s just a taste of what we have planned for 2020:
- A major event in February
- Gathering powerful stories and data to make the problem more visible
- Creating a broader tree coalition (a forest! ) to work together for change
- Law reform, including a ‘tree first’ law
We’ve got a plan, and we’re working with some fantastic people. Now we need your help to make sure we win.