State Budget 2016: The Tale of 2 Wastes

7 July 2016

State Budget 2016: The Tale of 2 Wastes

The State Government continues to under-invest in the enormous job and wellbeing opportunities in the clean-tech, carbon reduction and environment sectors, says the state’s peak environment body.

And another $4.6 million will be spent pursuing a high level nuclear waste dump, while an increase in the solid waste levy will fund some small but welcome investment in climate change, waste reduction and cleaning contaminated land.

“There’s a horrible irony in the Weatherill Government reducing domestic waste being buried in landfill and cleaning up toxic hotspots, at the same time as it continues to spend big on a plan to import and bury new toxic waste from overseas,” said Conservation SA Chief Executive Craig Wilkins.

“Further time, staff and money is being poured into a futile process to convince a highly sceptical SA people that we should become the world’s nuclear dumping ground.

“It’s time to cut our losses and invest instead in industries that enhance rather than detract from our clean, green image,” he said.

This year’s state budget is a welcome respite from the brutal slash and burn the environment portfolio has sustained over the past few years.

“There is a small additional amount of money this year for climate change action, waste reduction, bushfire mapping and better transport through the tram extension and converting state fleet to cleaner options.

“However, funds to reverse the decline in the quality of our beaches and rivers, air, bushland and nature tourism hotspots is simply not there, and investment to transform our manufacturing, housing, energy and transport infrastructure in the face of rapid climate change is woefully inadequate,” he said.

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Media Contact: Craig Wilkins 0417 879 439

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