Join Conservation SA for a night of essential networking and information, with featured guest speakers and juicy discussion on topical issues to the environment sector. All welcome!
Shifting Lanes: how do we change transport and mobility in SA?
Transport creates the most significant – and fastest-growing - share of SA’s carbon emissions.
And no wonder: our city form is dominated by petrol-fuelled cars, with transport spending overwhelmingly focused on building bigger roads.
Yet mobility is central to our health, prosperity and social connection.
Hear from a range of experts as they explore how we can (and must) change direction.
- Jen Bonham (UniSA transport researcher and spokesperson for the newly formed Transport Action Network)
- Helen Donovan (Walking SA)
- Sally Knight (Australian Electric Vehicle Association SA)
- David Elliott (Bike Adelaide)
- Dominic Mugavin (People for Public Transport)
5.30pm: Delegates-focused session (Papers coming soon)
6.15pm: Light supper and networking
6.45pm: Member Forum (Hot topics: TBC)
8.30pm: Forum ends
RSVPs are essential for catering purposes
Please note: This forum is not just for delegates, but for ALL members and supporters of CCSA member groups - please share this invitation with your group's networks!