Prospect Eco Market

Come along to a Prospect’s  market with an environmentally friendly spin. Promotes quality home-produced, hand-crafted environmentally friendly goods. Go to the Eco Market Facebook for information on stalls:

Individual, duo and group buskers performing music and other forms of family friendly entertainment welcome to register for future markets in 2017 (26 August, 28 October & 2 December).

April 29, 2017 at 8:00am - 1pm
Prospect Town Hall & Vine Plaza
128 Prospect Rd
Prospect, SA 5082
Google map and directions
Kristina Barnett · · 0408 822 923

Support us and get involved

Contact Conservation SA on (08) 8223 5155, [email protected], or at our offices at the Joinery at 111 Franklin Street, Adelaide.

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