The next meeting of Sustainable Population Australia will be on Wed 28 March, 7.30 pm, in the ground floor seminar room at the The Joinery, 111 Franklin St, city. The speaker will be Legislative Council Greens leader Mark Parnell.
Mark will be speaking on the topic:
'Why political parties refuse to talk about population'
Ever since the social and environmental disaster of neoliberal economics was foisted upon the Australian community in the 1980s, population has remained a no-go area for policy makers.
The SA Greens, however, devote a page to population on their website (, yet they won't raise the topic in public. Why not? As an educated society we urgently need to talk about ALL aspects of the ideology of endless growth, and about its causes as well as its effects. Are the Greens caught in a political bind on population, squeezed between what some see as a moral obligation to have an open door immigration policy, and on the other hand the need to reduce our ecological footprint to a sustainable level?
Let's hear Mark Parnell explain the position of the Greens on this, and see if we can suggest a realistic policy that makes scientific sense. This difficult discussion is long overdue, but is not happening in political circles. The community must lead this conversation.
Come along and help our pollies think through the hard issues. Bring friends and family, and help make our future!
111 Franklin St
Adelaide city, SA 5000
Google map and directions