Adelaide FoE AGM: Gas in the SE? No F@#king way!

The Adelaide Friends of the Earth AGM is on March 30th;
If you’re a member or supporter, we’d urge you to come along.

Locals aren’t too happy with the idea of gas fracking in the SE

Our speaker at the FoE AGM will be Anne Daw, Agricultural Advocate, talking about the conflict between gas & mineral mining and farmland. She was concerned by the recent government announcement to boost gas exploration.
While our Premier is being elevated to great heights on his stance with renewables and consideration of battery storage, sinister plans may be afoot to ensure that the South Australian Government may be still prepared to put at risk, prime agriculture land, precious water, our clean and green image and export markets.

In a news release on March 9, Energy and Resources Minister, Tom Koutsantonis said
“The removal of onshore drilling bans or hydraulic fracturing moratoria could also allow the market to access supply not currently available,” Energy Minister Tom Koutsantonis said the report showed Steven Marshall should immediately abandon his promise to ban unconventional gas developments in the South East.

Last Tuesday, the Minister made an announcement that “the State Government would be using “every aspect of our arsenal” to tackle the problem, and intended to have its solution in place for next summer. Local gas generation will be a key, with the government to unlock more of the state’s gas reserves.”

If you’re coming, please reserve tickets using the form below; it’ll help us ensure there are seats for everyone!

Note: Anne will be the first item on the agenda, after a brief intro and welcome.

March 24, 2017 at 6:00pm - March 25, 2017
The Box factory
59 regent St S
Adelaide, SA 5000
Google map and directions
Roman Orszanski ·

Will you come?

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Contact Conservation SA on (08) 8223 5155, [email protected], or at our offices at the Joinery at 111 Franklin Street, Adelaide.

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