Comparison of Australia's Capital Cities Tree Laws (2022)
Australia’s capital cities are where most of our population is concentrated. They are also particularly vulnerable to urban heat island effect – the build up of dangerous heat in streets and neighbourhoods during the day and night.
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Comparison of Australia's Tree Laws (2021)
This report assesses what other jurisdictions across Australia’s metropolitan cities do to protect their urban forest and establishes best practice, with a particular focus on areas of similar climate, urbanisation and population density.
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Myth Busting Our Trees
Trees on public and private land provide enormous benefits to people and the environment, yet pervading myths about trees are leading to their demise to the great detriment of liveable climate change-resistant cities.
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A Call to Action: Protecting Adelaide's Tree Canopy (2021)
Adelaide needs a bolder vision to integrate our planning system with the preservation of our big trees and the tree canopy they create. Visionaries in the past have done this. Now it’s our turn to meet this challenge on behalf...
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What's happening to Adelaide's trees? (2020)
What's happening to Adelaide's trees? is a major new report prepared by community, non-profit and professional organisations concerned with what’s happening to our trees. We hope Government and Council decision-makers will recognise the value of preserving big trees in Adelaide’s landscape...
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