Weatherill Government opposition to all nuke waste dumps in SA welcomed

30 January 2018

Weatherill Government opposition to all nuke waste dumps in SA welcomed

The state’s peak environment body has strongly welcomed the announcement by the SA Premier Jay Weatherill that his government now ‘opposed any further involvement in the nuclear fuel cycle, including waste repositories’ whether high or low level, and his willingness to consider legal action against the Federal Government if they imposed a dump on SA.

The news comes after a controversial two-year federal process targeting three potential radioactive waste facility sites in South Australia - two near Kimba, on the Eyre Peninsula, and Wallerberdina Station, near Hawker in the ­Flinders Ranges – that has divided communities.

“We strongly welcome the statement by Premier Weatherill that SA Labor will oppose any attempt by the Federal Government to impose nuclear waste from Lucas Heights on our state,” said Chief Executive of Conservation SA, Craig Wilkins.

“SA Labor have a long and proud tradition of opposing similar moves in the past, most notably Mike Rann who famously won a High Court challenge against the Howard Government over a decade ago.

“The current Federal Government process has torn communities and neighbours apart.

“We continue to call on the federal government to put an end to this flawed and divisive process and take a responsible approach to the management of Australia’s most hazardous waste.

In response to earlier federal moves to dump radioactive waste in SA, Parliament passed the Nuclear Waste Facility (Prohibition) Act 2000. The objects of this Act are ‘to protect the health, safety and welfare of the people of South Australia and to protect the environment in which they live by prohibiting the establishment of certain nuclear waste storage facilities in this state’

 “This statement by Premier Weatherill will help reassure a community that was disturbed and disappointed by his government’s previous push to explore opportunities in the nuclear fuel cycle.

“We commend Premier Weatherill for standing up for our state and the communities of Kimba and Flinders Ranges” he said.


Media contact: Craig Wilkins 0417 879 439

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