19 February 2016
Investment required to ensure stable grid
The State's peak environment body has called for faster investment in clean peaking energy options that can enter the market when needed in response to today's report from the energy market operator about the state's grid stability.
"There is a massive energy transition going on in South Australia from dirty to cleaner sources of power – a power shift driven mostly by consumers and energy users," said Conservation SA Chief Executive, Craig Wilkins.
"While this is to be celebrated, it is essential the shift is handled well to maximise stability, grid security and employment.
"Today’s report from the Australian Energy Market Operator emphasises our grid is stable and reliable, even with increasing amounts of wind and solar, which is welcome news.
"The most important next steps include investment in technologies and facilities that release clean power into the grid to cover those periods of time when production from energy sources - either coal, wind or solar – drops.
"This is a normal and expected step in the transition of our grid.
"Along with household and grid battery storage options, a solar thermal plant with storage at Port Augusta now makes even more sense," he said.
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Media Contact:
Craig Wilkins 0417 879 439