11 March 2016
Strong Murray stand essential as negotiations get critical
The Conservation Council of SA is calling on all states and the federal government to deliver on their previous promises of Murray water flows for SA as the leaders meet today to thrash out the future of the Murray Darling Basin Plan.
And the state’s peak environment body has strongly welcomed the commitment from SA Environment Minister Ian Hunter to stand firm in the face of pressure from upstream states to water down the Plan.
“The Murray is SA’s lifeblood,” said Conservation SA’s Chief Executive, Craig Wilkins.
“We South Australians have every right to believe a deal was previously done to deliver 3,200 gigalitres of environmental flows to help keep the River healthy.
“That was what was promised and that is what we expect to be delivered in full.
“So it’s deeply worrying to hear that there is a push from upstream states to deliver less than what the River, and the South Australian communities who rely on it, need.
“The 3,200 gigalitres that was previously agreed to is the absolute, rock bottom minimum the River needs.
“We strongly support today’s fighting words from the Weatherill Government. It is absolutely essential they continue to stand up for the Murray and our state’s interests,” he said.
Negotiations are set to continue in the lead up to the final sign-off of Plan on-ground works in June.
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Media Contact:
Craig Wilkins 0417 879 439