A Comparison of Australia's Bushfire Clearance Exemptions (2022) We know that now, more than ever, we need to keep our big trees. The arguments for keeping them across the suburbs are compelling, but it’s even more the case in bushfire prone areas, where government exemptions have decimated the tree canopy in some of Adelaide's greenest suburbs. Despite the understorey and fine fuels presenting the bushfire risk; bigger trees protect us by slowing firespeeds, protecting from radiant heat and preventing ember attacks, yet too often we perceive them as dangerous and remove them. This evidence-based report is the result of 12 months of research, drawing on expertise here and interstate. Endorsed by both the CFS and the Native Vegetation Council it aims to raise awareness, improve bushfire resilience across the community and strike a balance between tree retention and bushfire mitigation. |
Busting Urban Tree Myths (2022) Trees on public and private land provide enormous benefits to people and the environment, yet pervading myths about trees are leading to their demise to the great detriment of liveable climate change-resistant cities. Some of the more common myths about trees – all based on scientific evidence – are dispelled in this report to encourage homeowners and government agencies to preserve our trees. |
Report: Comparison of Australia's Capital Cities Tree Laws (2022) Australia’s capital cities are where most of our population is concentrated. Yet maintaining and expanding tree canopy is essential to the health and wellbeing of city residents and workers as the climate warms. The City of Adelaide has the lowest average rainfall and some of the highest temperatures of any capital city in Australia. This presents a substantial policy and practice challenge to urban greening. This report is an addition to the Comparison of Australia’s Tree Laws published in 2021, designed to look specifically at the tree protections in place for Australia’s capital cities. |
Report: Comparison of Australia’s Tree Laws (2021) This report assesses what other jurisdictions across Australia’s metropolitan cities do to protect their urban forest and establishes best practice, with a particular focus on areas of similar climate, urbanisation and population density. With rising temperatures and smaller backyards further increasing the difficulty of replacing large trees and growing new urban forest, the protection of what remains of our urban forest on private land becomes even more important. There is an urgent need for South Australia to adopt best practice tree protections for private land. |
![]() What's happening to Adelaide's trees? (2020) What's happening to Adelaide's trees? (2020) is a major report prepared by community, non-profit and professional organisations concerned with what’s happening to our trees. We hope Government and Council decision-makers will recognise the value of preserving big trees in Adelaide’s landscape and take all necessary steps the reverse this damaging trend. |
![]() A Call to Action: Protecting Adelaide's tree canopy (2021) A Call to Action: Protecting Adelaide's tree canopy is an action plan prepared by the coalition of groups and individuals who presented What's Happening to Adelaide's Trees in 2020. A Call to Action outlines the top priorities, practical steps and expert recommendations for State Government and local councils to help turn around the devastating tree loss occurring around our city. View online |