Past Campaigns

South Australia: Too Good to Waste

Send your postcard to the Premier calling for a renewable not radioactive South Australia!




Send a message to the SA government that you do not want nuclear by signing your postcard! 

We are collecting signed postcards to hand to the SA Government.

This is a simple way to take action and important time to have your voice heard on the matter.

Look out for postcards around town in the Avant Card displays or drop into the Joinery at 111 Franklin Street, Adelaide to grab some.

Sign this online postcard and we will transcribe your details onto a postcard and deliver it for you.


Who's signing

1,068 signatures

Sign the postcard

Postcard text:

"Dear Premier,

The state nuclear Royal Commission is considering allowing uranium enrichment, nuclear power and international high-level radioactive waste dumping in South Australia.

I am concerned that all of these activities would bring unavoidable and unnecessary risks to people and our environment. From the first shovel of uranium ore to the last barrel of radioactive waste this industry is high cost, high risk and long lived. Fortunately it is also unnecessary. 

South Australia already leads the nation in renewable energy and I support policies and politicians who understand that our energy future is renewable, not radioactive."

Support us and get involved

Contact Conservation SA on (08) 8223 5155, [email protected], or at our offices at the Joinery at 111 Franklin Street, Adelaide.

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